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Fixed monetary exchange and market asymmetries
What is exchange?
Exchange rate is the exchange operation between foreign currencies. But when it comes specifically to financial exchange, do you know what it is and how it works? Financial exchange rate refers to international transactions involving intangibles, whether of individuals or legal entities. Some examples are investments and external loans.
There are two categories of financial exchange: primary and secondary markets. The first includes people who travel and companies that export or import. The second category refers to business between banks.
What is the difference between foreign exchange and commercial exchange rate?
Term commercial exchange, financial exchange, and manual exchange - also known as tourism exchange - are according to the nature of the operations. Learn more:
What is a financial exchange rate?
Term financial exchange rate is used for operations carried out in the foreign exchange market, which are considered intangible.
This is the case of investments abroad and financial transfers to other countries, for instance.
What is manual exchange?
Manual exchange refers to retail products, i.e., cash, prepaid cards and small remittances for family, business, educational, scientific or cultural purposes.
The most common one is the purchase and sale of foreign currencies, such as euro, dollar, and yen for international travels. It has a higher cost on account of the tangibility, that is, the costs of import, distribution, and custody of the physical foreign currency.
What is commercial exchange?
As its name suggests, commercial exchange is used commercially in shipping operations of import and export values.
Unlike the financial exchange rate, it refers to tangible payments and receipts such as foreign trade goods.
Digiplata LATAM
What is Digiplata?
Digiplata is a digital platform that allows you to access online credits in an agile, fast and simple way. We reach out to people by offering short-term and low-value loans that can be used for the emerging needs of everyday life. Contact us right now and learn more about us.